- In the default mode, labelled ESC [n~, the function keys generate sequences like ESC [11~, ESC [12~ and so on. This matches the general behaviour of Digital's terminals.
- In Linux mode, F6 to F12 behave just like the default mode, but F1 to F5 generate ESC [[A through to ESC [[E. This mimics the Linux virtual console.
- In Xterm R6 mode, F5 to F12 behave like the default mode, but F1 to F4 generate ESC OP through to ESC OS, which are the sequences produced by the top row of the keypad on Digital's terminals.
- In VT400 mode, all the function keys behave like the default mode, but the actual top row of the numeric keypad generates ESC OP through to ESC OS.
- In VT100+ mode, the function keys generate ESC OP through to ESC O[
- In SCO mode, the function keys F1 to F12 generate ESC [M through to ESC [X. Together with shift, they generate ESC [Y through to ESC [j. With control they generate ESC [k through to ESC [v, and with shift and control together they generate ESC [w through to ESC [{.
PuTTY responds to function key presses by sending a sequence of control characters to the server.
The simplest way to investigate this is to find some other terminal environment, in which that function key does work; and then investigate what sequence the function key is sending in that situation. One reasonably easy way to do this on a Unix system is to type the command cat, and then press the function key. This is likely to produce output of the form ^[[11~. You can also do this in PuTTY, to find out what sequence the function key is producing in that.
也就是说,在python程序中需要通过发送一段特定的字符串,比如ESC [11~……等来实现功能键的录入,具体的字符串需要与python程序模拟的telnet终端的类型(VT100等)相匹配。我们可以在Unix/Linux终端中,执行命令cat,在命令中按下功能键Fn,实际输出结果就刚提交的字符串组合,比如ESC键显示为“^[”,F6显示“^[[17~”……,当然我们更可以在设备终端中执行以上的操作,查看功能键对应的字符串组合。最后大家还是要通过在python程序中的测试,来验证获取的Fn功能键录入字符串是否正确、有效!